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POCUS25: Top 25 Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Community-Defined Practice Domains​

POCUS25 is a ranked list of the top 25 Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) practice domains, as determined by survey data obtained through the POCUS25 research study – a participatory longitudinal study launched in 2019 by the POCUS Certification Academy.

As recently published in Journal of Radiology Nursing, data obtained from an initial set of 360 respondents from 51 countries was used to compile a set of community-ranked, core competencies that can be used to guide professional development and certification guidelines for POCUS practitioners.

POCUS25 Practice Domains

1. Pneumothorax - B-mode and M-mode

Pneumothorax – B-mode and M-mode


2. Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade detection …

Pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade detection and differentiation from pleural effusion, assess IVC to support cardiac tamponade findings


3. Normal lung ultrasound

Normal lung ultrasound – A-lines etc, lung sliding, lung edge, pleura and rib shadows, pneumonia/consolidation, air bronchogram, dynamic air bronchogram, spine sign


4. Basic practical ultrasound physics and knobology

Basic practical ultrasound physics and knobology. Modes of ultrasound – B-mode/2D mode, M-mode, color Doppler, Power Doppler, spectral Doppler, depth, gain, TGC/DGC, common artifacts


7. Gross estimation of LV and RV systolic function

Gross estimation of LV and RV systolic function – EPSS, contractility of LV and RV


8. Extremes of volume status

Extremes of volume status – hypovolemia and hypervolemia using IVC diameter and response to respiration and LV cavity diameter


11. Pneumonia/consolidation, air bronchogram ...

Pneumonia/consolidation, air bronchogram, dynamic air bronchogram, spine sign, pleural effusion, simple effusion, complex loculated effusion, anechoic and hyperechoic effusion


12. Basic first trimester ultrasound (TAS)

Basic first trimester ultrasound (TAS) – fetal number, fetal cardiac activity, amniotic fluid, intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy, molar pregnancy, low lying placenta or placenta previa. TVS recommended for ectopic pregnancy if not detectable by TAS.


13. Protocol - RUSH
14. IVC assessment for approximate CVP and volume status

IVC assessment for approximate CVP and volume status


15. KUB ultrasound ...
16. Skin and soft tissue ultrasound ...

Skin and soft tissue ultrasound – normal appearance, edema, cellulitis, abscess


17. Protocol - BLUE

Protocol – BLUE


18. Basic female pelvic examination (TAS)

Basic female pelvic examination (TAS) – uterus, cervix, ovaries, adnexa, pouch of Douglas/cul-de-sac


19. Gallbladder ultrasound

Gallbladder ultrasound – gallstones, stone in the neck (SIN) sign, gallbladder mass, acute cholecystitis and chronic cholecystitis and gangrenous cholecystitis, ultrasound Murphy’s sign, CBD diameter and gross detection of CBD dilatation


20. Transabdominal female pelvic examination

Transabdominal female pelvic examination – adnexal mass, ovarian cyst, free fluid in the POD, hydrosalpinx


21. Small parts

Small parts – testicular ultrasound, testicular mass, inguinal hernia, hydrocele, testicular torsion


22. To endotracheal tube position confirmation

To endotracheal tube position confirmation


23. Protocol - CLUE

Protocol – CLUE


  • Infographic: C.L.U.E. exam
  • Webinars and Videos:
  • Case studies:
  • Blogs:
24. Pancreas ultrasound ...

Pancreas ultrasound, detection of pancreatitis, pancreatic mass, obstruction of CBD by a mass in the region of the head of pancreas or CBD calculus


25. MSK


Did you know POCUS certifications are available for the various domains?

POCUS25 Research is Ongoing

POCUS25 is intended to be a living list that adapts to changing healthcare needs and practices. There’s still time to participate in future versions.

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