A 22-year-old female was involved in a motor vehicle accident.
The patient was rushed to the emergency department. On arrival an eFAST examination was performed. The view below was obtained in the left upper quadrant.
What is the arrow pointing to?Â
A. Free fluid in the peritoneal cavityÂ
B. Free fluid in the left costophrenic angleÂ
C. Pericardial effusionÂ
The arrow is pointing to free fluid in the left costophrenic angle.
The image shows the left upper quadrant view with the arrow pointing to the left costophrenic angle. There is evidence of anechoic (black) fluid in that region which is a positive finding. There is a shadow in the region of the spleen and the entire spleen and the region under the left hemidiaphragm is not well seen. Obtain additional views to make sure that there is no fluid/blood under the left hemidiaphragm.Â