POCUS: The Modality for Advanced Nursing

July 22, 2020 Dr. Thomas Kelly, CRNA is an advanced practice nurse who holds certification as a Nurse Anesthetist and holds a doctorate in Nursing Practice. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing in 1978 and has pursued his education to the highest level, serving as an Assistant […]

July 22, 2020

Dr. Thomas Kelly, CRNA is an advanced practice nurse who holds certification as a Nurse Anesthetist and holds a doctorate in Nursing Practice. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing in 1978 and has pursued his education to the highest level, serving as an Assistant Professor of Nurse Anesthesia Science and Assistant Director of Nurse Anesthesia in Thomas Jefferson University’s Master’s program. Dr. Kelly now serves as a senior member of the NeuroScience Intervention team. This team has members on call 24 hours a day ready to intervene in acute neurologic stroke attacks, and at times, able to markedly reduce the resultant brain injury caused by thrombotic stroke.

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Additional Resources:

Critical Care Anesthesiologists at the Hospital for Special Surgery, Elaine I. Yang, MD and Stephen C. Haskins, MD, discuss the benefits of perioperative point-of-care ultrasound. They also provide a brief demonstration of how to perform POCUS. Tune in here for more.

Nurse anesthetists are using ultrasound-guided needle placement to improve operating efficiency. With this method, practitioners see a decrease in placement complications, and patients are experiencing less discomfort. Find out why medical research supports the use of ultrasound in anesthesia-related needled placements.

Perioperative use of ultrasound has gained tremendous traction. Get an overview of the advantages and the various perioperative applications of ultrasound in the Overview of Perioperative Uses of Ultrasound, article review.

Bolt CRNAs YouTube channel presents a unique walkthrough from an anesthesia specialist on how to use POCUS. He provides advice that he has acquired in his daily practice and shares how POCUS is changing the future of healthcare. Watch to see what insights he shared.